Primal Modular Half Rack System
679.999 kr. – 1.199.999 kr.
- Professional æfingastöð frá Primal sem býður upp á fjölda æfingamöguleika
- Stöðin er þyngd með lóðaplötum en það er líka hægt að fá 2x 100kg lóðarekka
- Í stöðinni er hægt að taka lyftingaræfingar með stöng og kaplaæfingar
- 2:1 köplun í úrtökum á uppistöðum – 1:1 köplun í úrtökum á efri þverbita
- Fjöldi aukahluta í boði
- Stærð (LxBxH): 176cm x 206cm x 231cm
- Frekari upplýsingar neðar á síðunni
- Ath. Sérpöntun, ekki til á lager – hægt að senda fyrirspurn á [email protected] upp á tímasetningu
- Heimsending með TVG Xpress: 6.995 kr.
- Sent á pósthús: 4.995 kr.
- Sækja í verslun: Frítt
The Primal Performance Series V2 Half Rack is engineered to maximise performance training in even the toughest of environments. Laser cut 75mm box section tubes are fixed to 10mm thick steel plate sections using the latest welding technology, and a total of 6 foot plates including full length front extensions give unrivalled stability under load.
On top of this rock solid base the Primal Performance Series Half Rack comes “as standard” with a range of practical accessories including both monolift hooks and sandwich J-hooks, and front safety catchers.
Adjustable band pegs let you add band resistance or reverse band assistance to any movement, and an upgraded landmine provides the smoothest operation on the market for rows, presses and rotational movements.
The chin handles have 9 width position adjustments, with 3 grip thicknesses, and rotate to allow any angle of grip to be used. The chin station is rounded out with climbing Dome style handles designed to maximise hand and forearm strength.
The Half Rack can also be retro fitted with 100kg cable stacks and an integrated lifting platform. Our rack features a 1:1 ratio fixed position top pulley, and a sliding, height adjustable rotating pulley on a 2:1 ratio, allowing pulldowns, cable rows, crossovers and any other cable exercise to be performed.
Extensively tested and overbuilt to stand up to the toughest of training environments, the Primal Performance Series Half Rack is also compatible with an unrivalled range of Primal accessories allowing you to build it into the multi-functional centrepiece of your training facility.
- Updated stainless steel front uprights
- Choose with or without weight stacks
- Adjustable high/low pulleys with 2:1 stack ratio and fixed position top pulleys with 1:1 stack ratio (weight stacks optional extra)
- 75x75mm box section with overbuilt supports
- Swivel pull-up handles with new angled hand-grip design
- Climbing dome and landmine attachments
- Monolifts & premium sandwich j-hooks as standard, with pins for additional security
- Pin safeties, steel band pegs & plate storage horns as standard
- Updated safety catchers with highly durable UHMW covers
- Fully compatible with Primal Performance Series Modular Components including integrated lifting platforms, storage shelving, wall ball targets, trawler arms and much more
Primal Personal Multi Rack System
449.999 kr. – 579.998 kr.OPNUNARTÍMI
- Virka daga: 10-18
- Laugardaga: 11-15
- Sunnudaga: Lokað