ZBike 2.0 þrek/spinning hjól
249.995 kr.
- Vandað þrek/spinning hjól, framleitt á Spáni
- Nákvæmur wattamælir (+/-2%)
- Tengist við Zycle appið (og ýmis önnur, t.d. Zwift)
- Mótstöðustillingin er með tökkum á stýrinu sem líkja eftir gírskiptingum (15 „gírar“)
- Tengimöguleikar við snjalltæki með Bluetooth Smart og ANT+
- Poly-v belti þarfnast minna viðhalds en keðja
- Hljóðlát segulmótstaða
- 188mm Q-factor
- Stillingar upp/niður & fram/aftur á bæði hnakk og stýri
- Hámarksþyngd notanda: 120kg
- Ath. hjólið er ekki með mælaborði – tengist við snjalltæki
- Smelltu hér til að skoða bækling
Á lager
- Heimsending með TVG Xpress: 2.995 kr
- Sent á pósthús: 2.495 kr
- Sækja í verslun: Frítt
The Smartbike ZBike 2.0 combines cutting-edge technology with state-of-the-art features. With a sophisticated and elegant design, the Smart ZBike 2.0 is an ideal training tool for cyclists and fitness enthusiasts looking for a unique experience.
Thanks to its gear shifting, which simulates that of a 15-speed single speed bike, you will enjoy a more realistic and challenging cycling experience. This electronic system of backlit buttons is fully integrated into the handlebars, trying to replicate the same sensations that a cyclist has on his bike.
Silent training
The ZBike 2.0 is extremely quiet. Thanks to its Poly-V mail, the noise level of its drive system is minimal, allowing you to enjoy a quiet environment while immersing yourself in exciting virtual worlds during your workouts.
Maximum adaptability
The ZBike 2.0 is fully adaptable to different people, both men and women. Ideal for people with different training motivations. It is perfect both for those users who are looking for an intense and effective workout climbing a mythical mountain pass and for users who simply want to ride while enjoying an indoor cycling class with their favourite music.
New features in the Zycle app
To make your workouts even easier, the new Zycle app offers exciting features, such as a screen where you can view all the data obtained during your session by simply connecting your ZBike 2.0 with your smartphone or tablet.
NOHrD Þrekhjól
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- Virka daga: 10-18
- Laugardaga: 11-15
- Sunnudaga: Lokað