Swanson Ultimate Probiotic

5.999 kr.

  • 30 Hylki (30 skt.)
  • Mjög sterk góðgerlablanda
  • Frábær við akút meltingarvanda (miklu æfingarálagi, veikindum, sýklalyfjakúr)
  • 66 milljarðar góðgerla
  • Inniheldur FOS prebiotic trefjar
  • 14 stofnar góðgerla
  • Grænkeravæn hylki

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Probiotics are “ live microbial nutritional supplements „,which improve the internal microbial balance. The proper functioning of the gastrointestinal system of the human body is extremely important for the following functions of the body – absorption of the food, protection from attack of bad bacteria, maintenance of a healthy immune system, proper functioning of the nervous system, supplying energy to the body and many other benefits.     An unbalanced diet, irregular eating and increased consumption of caffeinated and alcoholic drinks and excessive use of sugars lead to dis-balance in the state of intestinal flora. Probiotics restore the normal flora of the digestive tract. The intake of probiotics is very important for the overall health of the body.

When we should take a Probiotic?
Probiotics should be taken is you have the following symptoms: • Antibiotic treatment
• Disturbed peristalsis
• Prolonged fatigue
• Weakening of the immune system
• The need to normalize the normal intestinal flora

The benefits of taking a Probiotic?
Probiotic restores the balance of intestinal flora and improves digestion, such as turning food into energy. Regular reception of probiotic in the form of a dietary supplement, leads to the following benefits:
• Maintain and restore the balance of the intestinal flora
• Improved digestion
• Improve the absorption of nutrient substances
• Maintain the level of good bacteria
• Improve the body’s immune response
• Improve overall physical and mental state
• Improve the digestibility of dairy products
• Contribute to the absorption of lactose
• Maintains the body in a healthy condition after antibiotics treatment
• Contribute to a decrease of bad cholesterol

Swanson holds the highest „A“ safety rating by the National Food and Nutrition Association of the United States. All Swanson products have GMPs certificates of good manufacturing practice. They ensure that the manufacturer uses high quality ingredients of guaranteed origin and control, secure packaging, clean facilities and adheres to safe manufacturing procedures.

How to use this product?
• Take 1 capsule a day with a sufficient amount of water
