SiS Rego Clear

4.999 kr.

  • Hannað til þess að styðja við hraða endurheimt
  • Fyllir hratt á kolvetnabirgðir og skaffar líkamanum nauðsynlegar amínósýrur
  • Frískandi ávaxtrabragð
  • Frábært eftir keppnir eða krefjandi æfingar
  • Hver skammtur inniheldur 20g af próteini og 21g af kolvetnum
  • Próteinið er mysuprótein isolate sem fer afar vel í maga
  • 460g pakkning
Raspberry & Cranberry
Raspberry & Cranberry


Frí sending ef þú pantar vörur í þessum flokk fyrir meira en 15.000 kr.

An everyday light and refreshing recovery drink 

The REGO Clear Recovery supplement combines 20g of clear whey protein and 21g of carbohydrate and is designed to help you to refuel and repair your body after exercise. With a low sugar formula, just 1.5g per serving, and the natural inclusion of Leucine, it makes this the ideal everyday recovery product so you can go again, day after day.  

Simply, mix with water and you’re good to go. 


  • Refuel with 20g carbohydrates
  • Helps to promote recovery after exercise1
  • Build and maintain muscle mass with 20g protein2
  • Two thirst quenching fruity flavours
  • Mixes easily with water


Athletes that regularly train or perform at a high intensity, require an everyday solution to replenish carbohydrate stores and repair muscles after exercise. 

Science in Sport utilise the latest technology in clear proteins to create REGO Clear Recovery, a refreshing product that’s perfect for daily use.  

The formula contains a 1:1 ratio of protein and carbohydrates to support recovery from exercise. With 21g of carbohydrate & 20g of clear whey protein isolate, it’s the perfect mix to start the refuelling of muscle glycogen stores, repair and recondition muscle2. It also naturally includes Leucine, an essential amino acid used in the biosynthesis of protein, which supports muscle protein synthesis. 

All Science in Sport products are Informed Sport Registered. Each product being developed using a world-class approach to banned substance testing, providing assurance for all athletes.