SiS Beta Recovery

3.749 kr.7.499 kr.

  • Hannað til þess að styðja við hraða endurheimt
  • Fyllir hratt á kolvetnabirgðir og skaffar líkamanum nauðsynlegar amínósýrur
  • Frábært eftir keppnir eða krefjandi æfingar
  • Hver skammtur inniheldur 30g af próteini og 60g af kolvetnum
  • Próteinið er mysuprótein, kolvetning eru 1:1 blanda af maltodextrin og frúktósa


Frí sending ef þú pantar vörur í þessum flokk fyrir meira en 10.000 kr.

A complete dual source recovery drink scientifically formulated for post endurance exercise. 

An advanced recovery drink for the athlete looking to go again and again. 

Designed for athletes that regularly train or perform moderate to high-intensity exercise lasting 90 minutes or more, and who require a complete recovery solution to ensure they are fully recovered before their next session. 

Carbohydrate is your primary fuel for prolonged moderate to high intensity exercise. After a hard training session or competition, your muscles and liver are likely depleted in glycogen and a key focus of recovery is to rapidly replenish both glycogen stores. In that sense, fructose is a source of carbohydrate that is preferentially taken up by the liver and is used to promote recovery of liver glycogen stores whereas maltodextrin can be directly taken up the muscle to replenish muscle glycogen stores1. 

To maximise the recovery of glycogen stores, it’s recommended to have 1g carbohydrate per 1kg body weight2, hence the inclusion of 60g carbohydrate per serving in BETA Recovery. 

The recovery process also requires you to consume a sufficient dose of protein to provide the amino acids to promote repair of any muscle damage and provide the building blocks to stimulate training adaptation3.

BETA Recovery is scientifically formulated, with a dual source carbohydrate blend containing 60g carbohydrates [with a 1:1 ratio from maltodextrin and fructose], and 30g whey protein per serving. The inclusion of probiotic cultures helps to promote protein digestion and absorption and supports gut and immune function. 

Simply, mix with 500 ml water and consume within 30 minutes after exercise. 


  • Supports recovery after prolonged moderate to high-intensity endurance exercise4
  • Contributes to the recovery of normal muscle function before your next session2
  • A 60g dual source carbohydrate blend of a 1:1 ratio of fructose and maltodextrin, scientifically proven to promote both liver and muscle glycogen storage1 
  • A 30g dose of proteinwith 3g of Leucine, promotes muscle growth and maintenance5
  • Mixes quickly and easily with water 



Carbohydrate is the predominant energy source that is used to fuel moderate to high-intensity exercise, the intensities of exercise that are commonly completed by both endurance and team sport athletes.  

Carbohydrate is mainly stored as glycogen in both the liver (approximately 100g) and muscle (approximately 400g) and about 5 g circulating in the blood stream as glucose. Athletes should aim to commence key training sessions or competition with fully loaded glycogen stores to optimise performance6 

Intense exercise is heavily reliant on glycogen as a fuel, which means both our muscles and liver can become depleted after as little as 90 minutes of exercise. For this reason, one of the main nutritional goals in the post-exercise period is to rapidly replenish both stores so that you can start your next training session with sufficient glycogen stores to fuel for the work required1,4. 


BETA Recovery is a dual source formulation, meaning it contains two forms of carbohydrates, Maltodextrin [glucose], and Fructose. 

Why do we need two forms of carbohydrates? Once digested and absorbed, muscle is unable to directly take up fructose. This specific carbohydrate is preferentially taken up by the liver where it can be used to promote liver glycogen storage1. Glucose, on the other hand, can be directly taken up by the muscle and is used to promote muscle glycogen storage2. The dual source formulation provides a nutritional solution to simultaneously promote rapid recovery of both of muscle and liver glycogen stores1. 


Study to be published in September but the team are confident the combination of our BETA research study plus previous research studies allows us to make the below claims at launch.

Revolutionary Recovery

The dual source carbohydrate blend of BETA Recovery is scientifically proven to contribute to the rapid recovery of both liver and muscle glycogen stores in recovery from endurance exercise.

The inclusion of whey protein to the recovery formulation is proven to further enhance the recovery of both liver and muscle glycogen whilst also supporting muscle repair and remodelling.

Enhance your recovery process from endurance exercise with BETA Recovery.


Proteins are the building blocks of life as they provide the amino acids that help the body grow and repair. Our hair, skin, muscle, and all our body tissues are all made from the protein we eat.  

Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS), the process of producing new muscle protein, is an important component of how the body ultimately maintains and builds muscle and provides the basis of how our muscle adapts to exercise3. When you eat protein after exercise, it gives your muscles the amino acids necessary to repair, rebuild and recondition, thereby leading to a faster recovery and promoting training adaptation3.  

Whey protein is considered a complete protein because it contains all nine essential amino acids. It holds especially high amounts of the essential Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs). Leucine is an especially important amino acid as it provides the signal to stimulate muscle protein synthesis7. Whey protein also provides a complete amino acid profile to promote muscle protein synthesis in the hours after exercise.  

BETA Recovery provides 30 g of protein per serving, including 3 g of Leucine, a dose that has been scientifically proven to promote maximal rates of muscle protein synthesis in recovery from endurance exercise.5


BC30TM (Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086) has been added to BETA Recovery due to its natural ingredient that supports digestive health, immune health, and protein absorption. 


All Science in Sport products are Informed Sport Registered. Each product being developed using a world-class approach to banned substance testing, providing assurance for all athletes.