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FitnessMad Reaction ball
795 kr.
- Bolti sem hannaður er fyrir viðbragðsþjálfun
- Boltinn er 7cm að þvermáli
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- Heimsending með TVG Xpress: 995 kr.
- Sent á pósthús: 795 kr.
- Sækja í verslun: Frítt
Reaction balls are designed to bounce in an erratic and unpredictable fashion. Used to help improve agility hand-eye coordination, and reaction time. Use against a wall or with a partner. Alternatively hold the ball at waist height, drop it and try to catch it – vary the height to make this easier or harder.
- Reaction time
- Hand-eye coordination
- Relieves tension
Product Details
- Material: PVC
- Colour: Blue
- Dimensions: 7cm (DIA)
- Weight: 60g
- Virka daga: 10-18
- Laugardaga: 11-15
- Sunnudaga: Lokað
- 3-5. Ágúst: Lokað