FitnessMad Æfingatrampólín Studio Pro
22.995 kr.
- Professional æfingatrampólín – fyrir jafnt heimahús sem æfingastöðvar
- Æfingar sem fara vel með liðamót
- 125kg hámarksþyngd notanda
- Samanbrjótanlegir fætur – auðvelt að pakka saman
- 101cm þvermál
Ekki til á lager
Láta mig vita þegar vara kemur aftur
Frí sending ef þú pantar vörur í þessum flokk fyrir meira en 15.000 kr.
- Heimsending með TVG Xpress: 995 kr.
- Sent á pósthús: 795 kr.
- Sækja í verslun: Frítt
Our Fitness-Mad 40″ Studio Pro Rebounder trampette is a commercial grade rebounder/small trampoline which is the ideal tool for low-impact aerobic exercise, which also burns calories and builds leg and core functional strength, whether for use in the gym or at home.
Many mini trampolines and rebounders create an uncomfortable, noisy, and jarring experience, however the Fitness-Mad 40″ Studio Pro Rebounder is commercial grade – being made from heavy-gauge powder-coated steel, featuring extra-thick 32mm barrel springs, and with a max. user weight of 125kg. Additionally, it is foldable and light enough to move, making it easy to store at home whilst also tough enough for the gym
- Commercial quality: Steel construction with a max user weight of 125kg, plus a quiet experience
- Easy to store: Foldable legs and light, 10kg weight
- Versatile workout: Rebounding/trampolining has a low impact on the joints, plus strength and cardio benefits
- Virka daga: 10-18
- Laugardaga: 11-15
- Sunnudaga: Lokað